Contributing Factors to the Labor Shortage and How Implementing Technology Can Help

Contributing Factors to the Labor Shortage

Manufacturing companies are struggling to acquire and retain talent. Companies are now looking to millennials and gen z’s to close that gap, but in order to do so, research has shown that these generations need to feel there is growth and value within these careers. 

One common misunderstanding that these generations have is the view that factories are “dark” and “dirty.” Today, manufacturing facilities are investing more time in implementing technological advances that would allow workers to use more advanced skills in the workplace. “Thirty-seven percent of millennials think of manufacturing as being a high-tech career choice, which is significantly more than baby boomers (23 percent),” writes Holt in the article “Key to Closing Manufacturing Skills Gap? Optimistic Millennials.” 

Manufacturing facilities looking to attract top talent really need to “wow” them by creating experiences in which they feel passionate about it as a career, not just a temporary job. Technology can help wage this labor gap because it brings a sense of comfort to millennials and Gen Z. For example, IRIS offers training manuals and videos that are accessible online - by implementing these resources available online and allowing millennials to train boomers on this new tech, will bridge the gap between both the difficulty in sustaining labor as well as technological advancement. 

The need for these skilled workers is on the rise, and not slowing down anytime soon. That is why adopting technology, especially automation, is important for these manufacturing facilities to survive. The problem is that many companies don’t know where to start. We recommend just giving it a try and testing it out. For example, IRIS Factory Automation offers a “try before you buy” option, in which the customer can rent a fully integrated palletizing system just to see how it runs at their factory. Ask yourself these questions when thinking about implementing new technology such as automation:

Evaluate if the risk outweighs the reward in terms of your return on investment. Automation will not only benefit the company but more oftentimes actually benefit the workers themselves because they will appreciate that their time is ultimately saved by automating these repetitive tasks. It is not only important for job satisfaction but keeps the workers safe as well. Using automation ultimately will lower costs—the cost of operations, human costs, and time costs. The ROI is palpable for the vast majority of manufacturing companies. Reduce downtime and retain highly skilled workers, while training others on how to utilize this new technology with IRIS Factory Automation!

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